Next Steps for our Region

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Here at True Title, we are growing excited at the prospect of the regional re-opening of our area businesses. We continuously evaluate our policies and procedures for closings and our day-to-day operations with the goal of ensuring that our clients and our employees remain safe, secure and healthy. What follows is a brief update of our procedures and plan for the eventual, phased-in re-opening of our offices:


For the remainder of May, True Title will continue to perform only Curbside or AVN (audio-visual notarization) closings, and our offices will be restricted to TTC employees only. This is being done for a multitude of reasons; most importantly for the safety and well-being of both our clients and employees. At this phase of the COVID crisis, we respect that there are differing opinions about the nature of the risk and the lockdown, and though this affects the overall closing experience, we believe this is the best way to ensure that our clients and staff are comfortable with our procedures.

As our market re-opens and further guidance is issued from our governmental agencies, we will re-evaluate these procedures. When we reach the initial phase of re-opening our offices, clients can expect the following: required signers only at closing; facemasks required (True Title will have disposable facemasks available); and the lovely scent of disinfectant in our closing rooms and common areas.

We cannot adequately express the enormous amount of gratitude that we have for our clients for their support during this unprecedented time. We will provide further updates prior to the end of the month.

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30 North Brentwood Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105

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215 Union Blvd., Suite 315
Lakewood, CO 80228

NOTICE: True Title Company, LLC is a title insurance agency authorized/licensed to do the business of (title) insurance in Missouri, Illinois & Colorado.
[This notice provided in compliance with 20 CSR 700-1.025, Missouri Code of State Regulations]

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